The report by Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies), released last year, shows that the rate of female entrepreneurs in the initial stage of the business (up to 3 ,5 years) reached 16 million women, that is, they are responsible for half of the new businesses in the country.
According to the same report, among the new businesses developed by women, more than 20% are related to women. food.
The massive entry of women into the field of entrepreneurship, which has even Although a short time ago it was mostly headed by men, it may be related to the data presented by the Federal Government that show that three out of four Brazilian households are now headed by women, and that of these, 41% have your own business.
With an eye on this scenario and with the proposal to create a unique and innovative space for the discussion of ideas and exchange of experiences between women who are entering the world of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur Ely Ribeiro bet on the originality of a social network dedicated to them.“Many Brazilian households headed by women are characterized by the individual effort of each one. Most of the time, these women do not have a formal job, they are faced with the need to undertake and bet on what they have some knowledge about, but without predefined goals. Developing practical actions focused on quick results becomes paramount to meet the time constraints they dedicate to the business, in this premise, the Donadelas network presents a simple layout, with a focus on business, which can generate a positive impact on the lives of these women” – explains Ely for the Food Service Network.
According to Ely, the donadelas is It is a free network, available to any woman who wants to publicize her work or network with other entrepreneurs. “On the personal page is the “ It is possible to post photos, put details of your profile and history. There is also space for quick polls, which can greatly facilitate the search for trends or ideas, and help entrepreneurs to make good decisions”, completes the creator of the social network.
Donadelas has an international dimension with the participation of Mohamed Moulaye, a French partner-investor. “Our initial focus is on present a platform that facilitates the lives and businesses of women entrepreneurs in Brazil, and soon we aim to connect them in a worldwide network for sharing knowledge, experiences and businesses, benefiting them with the possibility of expansion ;of its ventures across borders”, reports Mohamed.